Jul 28, 2010

Recommended diet for water-sports athletes

For a good day of surfing , to catch more waves we need to eat healthy and energetic food. The important thing is to consume the food accordind to nutritional needs of each athlete , depending on their physical activity , weight , height , length  of training , age , etc... I have concluded that asking other athletes , studying nutrition forums and  nutritions websites dedicated athletes and even experimenting on my own body .

2h BEFORE SURFING , one must ingest foods rich in carbohydrates , 300kcal , approximately. Carbohydrates increases the stok of energy for the body in the form of glycogen in the muscles.  Eat : bread , fruits , cereals  , crackers or cereals bars. The rate of glycogen resynthesis seems to be quicker immediately and in the first 2h after exercise.
Right after surfing it is recommended to drink plenty of liquids ( water , juice , gatorade ) and a small amount of carbohydrates.

2h AFTER SURFING : a balanced meal containing proteins. The proteins are responsible for construction and performance the next day. Eat : lean meat , beans , cheese and milk.

One of the most popular post-surf snack preferences is beer !

For more information consult a nutritionist !

Jul 20, 2010

Surfing & Bodyboarding in Monte Clérigo - small waves